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  • What is Your Connected Devices Vulnerability (CDV) Index?

    Why You Need to Know

    A CDV index measures the real-time risks and vulnerabilities of all connected devices within an industrial facility, giving you the ability to accurately monitor industrial plant floor digital safety over time - and potentially help defend insurance liability claims.

  • Download the CDV Index Business Brief Now

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    Is Your ICS Equipment At Risk?

    Get Your Connected Devices Vulnerability Index (CDV Index) Today

    • Accurately assess asset vulnerability
    • Secure better insurance rates
    • Better manage supplier & 3rd party risks
    • Protect process integrity 
    • Ensure digital safety

  • Why is Your Connected Devices Vulnerability Index

    (CDV Index) Important?

    You Can't Protect What You Can't See

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    The Importance of Knowing Your CDV Index

    How can you make important business decisions without measurable data points? With financing, we have FICO scores. With car insurance, you have your driving record. With business ratings, you have Dunn and Bradstreet (D&B).

    Now Industrial Manufacturing companies have access to a Connected Devices Vulnerability Index (CDV Index). Gain actionable data points that you can measure and act upon when it comes to the visibility of industrial devices on the plant floor.

    Ask us about the CDV Index and how we can provide a real metric that can be measured and acted upon when it comes to the critical infrastructure in your industrial manufacturing environment.